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Breath is essential to life, not only to be able to sustain our physical bodies but it can also be used intentionally as an emotional cleansing tool and as a spiritual gateway into expanded states of consciousness.

The word ‘breath’ and ‘spirit’ share the same origin in many languages. Breath-centered practices and meditations can be found in many ancient cultures and religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Yoga, Qigong, Shamanism, Sufism, martial arts, etc. Many of these cultures and religions used breathing techniques for similar reasons as modern breathwork – to alter consciousness for spiritual purposes, self-discovery, and healing.

During your personally guided breathwork session, the psychotherapist will be guiding you through a gentle meditative circular breathing technique where your breaths are continuous with no spaces or retention between breaths. This technique is useful for both beginners and experienced individuals in breathwork alike.

The breathwork session can be a deeply emotionally cleansing experience, bringing back forgotten aliveness into your being, allowing the release of old, congested negative energies and emotions that are limiting the expression of your full potential, while preparing the ground for a later Aquatic Rebirthing session if you chose to dive deeper into your process. You can learn more about Aquatic Rebirthing & Watsu here.

Your personally guided Breathwork session also may also include bodywork & energy work shall you need it.


Contraindications for breathwork may include certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, and psychiatric conditions such as panic disorder or claustrophobia. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any breathwork practice, particularly if you have any of these conditions or are pregnant. Additionally, it is important to work with your trained practitioner to ensure that the breathwork technique is being done correctly and safely.

What to bring:

For your breathwork session wear comfortable clothes preferable made of cotton. Fitness clothes like a tank top and shorts work well. You'll be lying down on a massage table covered by a sheet. For the pool session please bring a one piece swimsuit although tank tops and shorts also work. Please also remember to bring a towel and a water bottle.

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