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Promotes Bowel Regularity*
  • Features natural soluble fiber and supporting herbs
  • Promotes daily regularity and intestinal health*
  • OU Kosher Certified product


Now you can experience a premier breakthrough in daily bowel regularity and whole body cleansing with Premier Psyllium Fiber!* This unique product features “The Fiber Expert™, a premier quality, organic psyllium husk powder that naturally provides an excellent source of soluble fiber to keep you regular.* To achieve your own best health, step up to Premier Psyllium Fiber – gentle, safe and natural enough to use every day.*


Do you need more fiber in your diet? Is it really important to get enough fiber in your diet? Yes, it’s a very big deal! Your fiber intake is closely tied to your digestive health, your intestinal health and your overall feeling of wellness.* A sufficient amount of fiber helps bulk up your stools so they are easier to pass and so you are more regular.* “Happy” colons can make your day go so much better!

If you don’t get enough dietary fiber, it can stress your gastrointestinal tract and slow down your regularity. When your bowel regularity is off, you may feel tired, sluggish or bloated. That’s why it’s so important to eliminate digestive waste on a regular basis – without fail! Most Americans fall far too short of even the minimal daily recommended amount of healthy fiber in their diet.


Now that’s where Premier Psyllium Fiber comes in. Now you can experience a premier breakthrough in daily bowel regularity and whole body cleansing with Premier Psyllium Fiber!* This unique product features “The Fiber Expert™, a premier-state, organic psyllium seed husk powder that naturally provides an excellent source of soluble fiber to keep you regular.*


When taken with a sufficient amount of water or other fluids, the soluble fiber in psyllium forms a gel that acts like a broom in the intestines. This gel has a beneficial binding capacity to clear waste. This soluble fiber helps increase fecal waste volume and supports larger, softer stools for healthy bowel movements. Used for centuries as a natural colon cleanser, psyllium seed husks are one of nature’s superior sources of soluble fiber which promotes natural bowel regularity.* Soluble fiber is also important for healthy digestion because it helps supply food (pre-biotics) for the beneficial bacteria that live in the digestive tract. In addition, soluble fiber acts as an intestinal broom to encourage healthy peristalsis (the wavelike contractions of the colon to move feces); in contrast, eating too much dietary animal fat (such as chicken, eggs or pizza) can slow down peristalsis (not good!). Psyllium also contains beneficial insoluble fiber that also acts as a bulking agent in the intestines, helping to collect and eliminate wastes and toxins from the intestinal walls.*


Premier Psyllium Fiber also features Botanica Cleanse™, which is a full spectrum botanical blend. This specialized herbal blend provides a natural, broad spectrum of phytonutrients – the perfect complement to our organic psyllium powder. A diet that is high in animal products and low in fiber can slow down regularity and promote bowel stress. Animal products (meat, dairy and eggs) are typically high in saturated fat and contain no fiber at all! In contrast, a whole-foods, plant-based diet is naturally high in fiber and encourages regular, healthy bowel eliminations.* To achieve your own best health, step up to Premier Psyllium Fiber – gentle, safe and natural enough to use every day. It offers top quality, organic psyllium seed husk powder that provides a convenient source of soluble and insoluble fiber to promote superior digestive and intestinal health, thus allowing fecal waste to be eliminated on a regular basis.* Enjoy life more – with a full spectrum formula that promotes daily regularity and intestinal health.* Keep your own King Colon in great shape for whatever life brings.


Serving Size 5 Capsules
Servings Per Container 36

  • The Fiber Expert™1.5g 
    Organic Psyllium (husk) (Plantago ovata)
  • Botanica Cleanse™590 mg 
    Organic Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare), Organic Fennel (seed) (Foeniculum vulgare), Organic Chinese Rhubarb (root) (Rheum officinale), Organic Marshmallow (root) (Althaea officinalis), Organic Oat Grass (Avena sativa), Organic Kale (leaf), Organic Chlorella (whole; broken cell wall) (Chlorella sorokiniana), Organic Alfalfa (herb) (Medicago sativa), Organic Cilantro (leaf) (Coriandrum sativum), Organic Spinach (leaf) (Spinacia oleracea)

Recommended Usage:

Take 5 capsules with 8 oz. of juice or other liquid, twice daily or as directed by a health professional. 

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