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  • Guji Region of Ethiopia
  • Expertly Tested for Purity
  • Crafted for Health-Conscious Enjoyment
  • Balanced Roast for Optimal Health Benefits

Premier Coffee is meticulously roasted to a medium level, offering a balanced profile of sweetness and fruit flavors with a hint of light chocolate. This roast level not only delights the palate but also preserves the natural antioxidants found in coffee, making it easy to enjoy as nature intended—black, bold, and bursting with health benefits. 



At Premier Research Labs, we understand that coffee is more than just a beverage – it is an ancient medicine with timeless health benefits. Expertly roasted to a true medium level, Premier Coffee beans strike the perfect balance between the natural sweetness and fruit flavors with a subtle chocolate overtone. Easy to enjoy as nature intended—black, bold, and bursting with health benefits.

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Black Coffee

  • Potent Antioxidant and Inflammation-Modulating Nutrients and Phytochemicals
  • Improved Mental Alertness and Cognitive Function
  • Enhanced Workout Performance
  • Weight and Metabolism Management
  • Supports Pancreatic Health and Beta Cell Function
  • Enhanced Circulation and Cardiovascular Health
  • Enhanced Digestion and Elimination
  • Protects and Promotes Healthy Liver Function

Premier Coffee is sustainably cultivated in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Infused in a rich heritage of coffee cultivation, the art of growing and processing coffee is a primary element in the everyday cultural practices of the Oromo people. They take great care and pride in producing high-quality coffee that delivers vibrant taste, energizing quality, and palpable health benefits. We work with one local processing station and approximately 450 small farms within Guji to source the beans. Choosing to use Premier Coffee will not only optimize health benefits per serving, but also support the Oromo village farmers who have mastered the ancient art and science of coffee cultivation.

At Premier Research Labs, we know that coffee is so much more than just a drink. Coffee beans have a rich history as a traditional medicine delivering timeless health benefits when grown, harvested, roasted, and prepared properly. That's why we test for heavy metals and microbial contaminants to ensure the highest standards of purity so you obtain maximum health benefits.


  • Organic, Whole Coffee Beans (roasted)

Recommended Usage:

Easy Brew Directions
For a perfect, gourmet cup of Premier Coffee:

Grind 2 tablespoons of Premier Coffee per 6 fl. oz. cup. Use purified water, then brew. For optimal freshness, please close the bag securely to avoid air as much as possible. 

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