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Broad Spectrum Botanical Immune Support*
  • Exquisite cardiovascular and immune support*
  • Live-source formula featuring allicin, the legendary organosulfur immune compound*
  • With naturally occurring compounds alliin and S-allyl cysteine
  • Contains Allicin OrganoSulfur Complex™ with wild bear garlic, promoting cleansing and support against heavy metals*



Many turn to Allicidin® for their most important client needs. This product offers a broad-spectrum formula that showcases a premier quality garlic extract with a high, concentrated allicin content. This formula elegantly supports both immune and cardiovascular health. It is known for its Allicin OrganoSulfur Complex™ which yields the unique nutrient, allicin, a legendary organosulfur immune compound found in garlic – in a concentrated form. Allicin is activated in garlic when the fresh bulb is pressed, causing it to release the catalyzing enzyme, alliinase, which quickly converts alliin to the immune-active compound, allicin.


Concentrated allicin is the result of a process which produces living-source allicin from pure garlic extract – for the first time in recent history. Allicin is not garlic – but the fully potent, active factor in garlic in concentrated form, never before available in supplement form until recently.


Garlic may well be one of the most famous of all plants in human history, revered for its wide-ranging health benefits – dating back to use by the pharaohs and many other ancient cultures such as the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians and Chinese civilizations.




Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container 30

  • Allicin OrganoSulfur Complex™630 mg
  • Yielding:

    • Garlic (bulb) Extract (Allium sativum), Wild Bear Garlic (leaf) (Allium ursinum)
    • S-Allyl Cysteine190 mcg
    • Allicin3,780 mcg
    • Alliin6 mg
  • Organic Turkey Tails (mycelia, fruiting body, spore) (Coriolus versicolor)72 mg
  • Organic Hyssop (aerial parts) (Hyssopus officinalis)72 mg
  • Organic Parsley (leaf) (Petroselinum crispum)72 mg
Other Ingredients: Plant-Source Capsules (cellulose, water)

Recommended Usage:

Take 2 capsules daily or as directed by a health professional.

Acute Relief Strategies: Take 6-9 caps/day, preferably spread out throughout the day for acute situations. Take a higher dose if bodyweight is more than 150 lbs.*

Chronic Relief Strategies: For chronic conditions, dose recommendations of ~4-6 caps per day for ~2-4 months can reduce reoccurrences.

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