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Points forts:

Poudre de lactate de magnésium

  • Favorise la santé du cœur, des os, des dents et l'équilibre du pH*
  • Une forme de magnésium hautement absorbable avec une saveur rafraîchissante de pastèque
  • Aide à l'utilisation des vitamines B et des vitamines A et C*


Consommez-vous suffisamment de minéraux, de magnésium, dans votre alimentation quotidienne ? Étant donné que les carences en magnésium sont courantes aux États-Unis, une supplémentation en magnésium peut être un choix judicieux pour augmenter les niveaux de magnésium.

Premier Magnesium contient du magnésium hautement absorbable sous la forme préférée de lactate de magnésium. Ajoutez simplement cette poudre à du jus ou de l'eau pour une boisson revitalisante riche en magnésium. Il a une saveur rafraîchissante de pastèque (pas de MSG) sans sucre ajouté.

Présentation du magnésium

Le magnésium est un minéral important qui prend en charge un large éventail de fonctions dans le corps. Il soutient la santé cardiaque, la minéralisation des os et des dents, un équilibre sain du pH corporel alcalin et sert de bloc de construction pour les membranes cellulaires.* En fait, le magnésium fonctionne comme cofacteur dans des centaines de systèmes enzymatiques complexes dans le corps. De plus, le magnésium aide à l'utilisation du complexe de vitamines B et des vitamines A et C.*

The Vagus Nerve: Its Role in the Parasympathetic Nervous System and Recovery from Chronic Stress
The Vagus Nerve: Its Role in the Parasympathetic Nervous System and Recovery from Chronic Stress

septembre 06, 2024

The vagus nerve is one of the most important nerves in the body, playing a critical role in the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which governs the body’s ability to relax, recover, and maintain homeostasis. In this article, we explore the vagus nerve’s relationship with the PNS, the impact of chronic stress on its function, and the most effective interventions to restore its normal tone for better health and well-being.

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Overcoming Social Anxiety: A Guide for Introverts to Build Meaningful Connections
Overcoming Social Anxiety: A Guide for Introverts to Build Meaningful Connections

septembre 04, 2024

Social anxiety can be a significant barrier for introverts who often struggle with feelings of unpopularity, fear of rejection, and discomfort in social situations. These challenges can make the concept of social bonding feel foreign and intimidating. However, it’s possible to overcome these hurdles and build meaningful connections by following a few practical strategies. This guide will explore how introverts can heal from social anxiety and develop confidence in their social interactions.

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Healing Through Connection: The Role of Social Bonds in Overcoming Addiction
Healing Through Connection: The Role of Social Bonds in Overcoming Addiction

septembre 04, 2024

In the ongoing battle against addiction, much emphasis has been placed on the chemical nature of drugs and the biological underpinnings of dependence. However, emerging research suggests that the social environment plays an equally crucial role in both the development of addiction and its treatment. A seminal experiment that sheds light on this concept is the Rat Park study, which revealed how social bonds and enriched environments can significantly reduce drug dependency. Understanding the relevance of this experiment in treating addiction opens new pathways for holistic, community-focused approaches to recovery.

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Magic Mushrooms and Psilocybin: Origins, Uses, Healing Effects, and Contraindications
Magic Mushrooms and Psilocybin: Origins, Uses, Healing Effects, and Contraindications

septembre 04, 2024

Magic mushrooms, known scientifically as psilocybin mushrooms, have played a pivotal role in human culture, spirituality, and healing for thousands of years. These fungi contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin, which, when ingested, is converted into psilocin in the body, leading to altered states of consciousness. As research into psychedelics advances, there is growing evidence that psilocybin offers significant therapeutic potential for treating various mental health disorders and facilitating personal growth. This article delves into the origins, modern therapeutic uses, dosages, healing effects, and contraindications associated with psilocybin mushrooms.

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